
The following organizations exhibited at the conference.


Christian Home Theater (a company of TakeFive Films)

Christian Home Theater provides a direct high technology distribution avenue for the films being created by Christian filmmakers from around the world. MPPC member Rick Otto will show movies for home or church that you can download, rent or buy from their website.




Create-n-Animate uses multimedia tools to develop outreach materials, including animated tracts, that resonate with the Y-generation.


Device Computing

Device Computing will be showing its BibleLink software which is also marketed on a USB memory stick.


Digital Praise

Digital Praise offers Christian software, including games, for children that aims to glorify God.


Global Media Outreach

Global Media Outreach is led by keynote speaker Walt Wilson and is a Campus Crusade Ministry that supports almost 40 websites to reach people worldwide.


International Bible Society

Since, 1809 the International Bible Society has been publishing the Bible. It reaches out across the world with Bible translations on diverse media.  Keynote speaker Steve Johnson will talk about its latest developments.


International Christian Technologists' Association

The International Christian Technologists' Association was founded by MPPC member in mission Pete Holzmann and brings ministries and technology leaders together in spirit-led communities.


Jesus Institute

The Jesus Institute was founded by Vip Patel, and is an educational reference website on the life and ministry of Jesus that provides online study groups, discussion boards and reference materials.



Journey With Jesus

The Journey With Jesus Foundation was founded by MPPC member Dan Clendenin to serve the global church through scholarship, teaching and Christian philanthropy. It produces a weekly webzine.


Logos Bible Software

Logos Bible Software visited MPPC 10 years ago as a tiny startup. It now leads the world in Bible Study software and keynote speaker Scott Lindsey will show how you can use it to enhance your devotional time.


Menlo Park Presbyterian Church

Menlo Park Presbyterian Church will demonstrate how it is building community using its community building website. David Rummler, MPPC member, will explain how activities groups that include flyers, sailors, bikers and hikers are reaching out to people in the local community.


Virtual PR

Virtual PR is a public relations company led by MPPC member, Carey Mitchell.  With 20 years experience it can help Christian and non-Christian enterprises launch innovative products and services.


Wycliffe Bible Translators


Wycliffe Bible Translators has pioneered Bible translation techniques worldwide.  Beth Bryson, MPPC member, will explain how you can participate in the work of this organization, whether as a technologist or as a non-professional.



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